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Nordic Women in Tech Awards coming to Iceland to honour women leaders in technology

Nordic Women in Tech Awards coming to Iceland to honour women leaders in technology

The annual Nordic Women in Tech Awards (NWITA), which recognizes and celebrates women’s achievements in technology across the Nordic countries, has announced that the #NWITA2023 gala event will take place at the Harpa Conference and Concert venue in Reykjavik, Iceland, on November 9, 2023. Additionally, WomenTechIceland, a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing women in tech, has been selected as the official local partner for the event.

The NWITA ceremony aims to highlight exceptional women leaders and emerging talent and share their success stories with the wider public. The organization hopes to inspire generations of women to pursue challenging and exciting careers in the tech industry, realize their full potential, and turn their career dreams into achievable goals through visibility and allyship.

“We are honored to be partnering with WomenTechIceland and our incredible volunteers to bring you an unforgettable event in Iceland celebrating women leaders in tech and inspiring the next generation of role models,” said Plamena Cherneva, Founder of Nordic Women in Tech Awards. “We are also grateful for the continued unwavering support from our WonderCoders Denmark community, Women In Tech Gothenburg, Women In Tech Finland, and Women in Tech Oslo.”

In 2022, NWITA nominated several of Iceland’s tech leaders in its national nominations, including WomenTechIceland’s Paula Gould as Iceland Women in Tech Advocate, Empower’s Þórey Vilhjálmsdóttir Proppé, as Iceland Mentor of the Year, Crowberry Capital as Iceland Investor of the Year, Lilja App’s Ingunn Henriksen and Árdís Rut Einarsdóttir as Iceland Innovator of the Year, Vertonet as Iceland Initiative of the Year, Kara Connect’s Þórbjörg Helga Vigfúsdóttir as Iceland Entrepreneur of the Year, Kaptio’s Alondra Silva Muñoz as Iceland Diversity Leader of the Year, Controlant’s Anna Karlsdottir as Iceland Digital Leader of the Year, Sidekick Health’s Violette Rivière as Iceland Developer of the Year.

In addition to that, Guðrún Valdís Jónsdóttir was named overall Nordic Rising Star of the Year at the 2022 gala event held in Gothenburg, Sweden.

WomenTechIceland’s co-founder, Paula Gould, expressed her excitement about the partnership, saying, “WomenTechIceland is so happy to partner with Nordic Women in Tech Awards and their other Nordic country partner organizations to host the annual awards celebration in Iceland. Iceland’s tech industry is one of the fastest growing in the region, with ample opportunity to put its strong reputation as a gender equality leader globally into action to foster intersectional equality in the technology sector.”