Memento launches new money pooling service in their mobile wallet solution

Memento, together with Islandsbanki, just deployed a new service allowing anyone to raise money together (or as Icelanders say it: leggja í púkk) with a group of friends, co-workers, fellow students or the whole community. The service has now been added as a new feature in the digital wallet app Kass.
“The money-pooling platform works both as added service for Kass users but also a great awareness-tool for the service, it helps make it relevant on social media” says Gunnar Helgi Gunnsteinsson, co-founder of Memento. “With almost all interactions between people taking place on social media, it is strange that banks are not visible there – today they’re not part of the discussion – apart from fancy advertisements.

The fintech company Memento Payments develops a fully fledged digital wallet platform which banks and other financial institutions can licence as a white-label product. Memento’s wallet platform is designed to solve any type of payment needs within one wallet service, that includes paying friends, splitting cost, buying online or in store etc. More info on the Memento blog.
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