Kristinn Pálmason joins Eyrir Venture Management as Managing Director

Kristinn Pálmason has joined Eyrir Venture Management (EVM) as Managing Director. Kristinn will lead the company in operating and managing the investment funds Eyrir Vöxtur and Eyrir Sprotar, in addition to managing shares in Carbon Recycling International.
Herdís Dröfn Fjeldsted, chairman of the board of Eyris Venture Management says, “It is a great strength for Eyrir Venture Management to have Kristinn join the company. He has comprehensive knowledge of investments and extensive experience in increasing the value of companies. Kristinn and I worked together for almost a decade in another field where I watched him use his knowledge and strengths with exceptional consideration and achieve excellent results. It is therefore with pleasure and excitement that we welcome him to the team.”
Previously, Kristinn served as financial manager at Silfurberg, an investment company in life sciences and technology. He was an investment manager at the Icelandic Enterprise Investment Fund (Framtakssjóður Íslands) where he was responsible for the restructuring and selling of companies from the fund’s portfolio, and worked as a corporate consulting expert at Landsbankinn.
“The start-ups that are about to take their first steps have rarely been so many and so interesting. Given that the investment environment for start-ups is quite challenging at the moment, it is even more important that leading shareholders provide strong support. I am very excited to continue working with the companies that EVM has already invested in, to add to that portfolio, as well as to use my experience and knowledge from previous roles to further support these companies,” says Kristinn Pálmason.
Kristin has served on boards of both domestic and international companies, including Invent Farma, Advania, Icelandic Group, N1, and Húsasmiðjan. He has a Bsc in Business Administration and an MSc in Finance from Reykjavík University.