Introducing the Icelandic Startup and Tech Community on Slack
We’re very happy to announce the opening of #nordurskautid – a Slack community around the startup and tech scene in Iceland. There currently are channels like #ux – for user experience design, #pitching – about pitching to investors and customers, #events – about events in the community, or #reading – for interesting articles and books.
Head over to to sign up!
For some time now, we’ve wondered how we could help the Icelandic Startup & Tech scene grown closer and evolve. One way we see is to foster a community of people that want to share knowledge and experiences, learn from each other, network and meet. Get and give feedback.
We think a great way to do this is by having a Slack community. Some of us will remember IRC channels, where people meet to connect. #nordurskautid will hopefully become such a place.
It’s simple. Sign up, download Slack, and take part in a vibrant community of people, interested and participants in software, innovation, user experience, the internet and more.
Join here: