1939 Games secures $5.3m funding

Icelandic game developer 1939 Games has successfully raised $5.3 million. 1939 Games are the creators of of the free-to-play digital CCG (collectible card game) Kards.
This investment comes from a collection of private and public sources, including Korea Investment Partners, Woori Technology Invest Co. Ltd., Seoul Investment Partners, Sisu Game Ventures and Crowberry Capital. In a press release the company says that over 700,000 players have enjoyed Kards since its PC launch in April 2020 and that the majority of the investment will be used towards self-publishing on mobile and making Kards a truly cross-platform title.
“We always intended for Kards to be a truly cross-platform title, and this funding enables us to bring the title to iOS and Android in 2022,” said CEO Ívar Kristjánsson. “Our investors recognise the enormous untapped potential for Kards in the mobile gaming market, which Newzoo recently projected to hit $116bn in 2024.”
“Kards is a fantastically well-made game due to the pedigree of the team behind it,” said Sang- Ho Park, Executive Director Korea Investment Partners (KIP). “ Our investment reflects our strong belief in the team as well as the title’s huge potential when it comes to mobile in the Asian market.”

“We are happy to follow up on our early investment as the 1939 team has proven its ability to build a stellar game. We are impressed how they combine their artistic ability with industry insight and an innovative approach to digital card gaming. With such a great addition to the team of investors the future is very exciting.” said Hekla Arnardottir, Chairman of the 1939 Games board and founding partner at Crowberry Capital.