1939 Games delivers net profit in first active year

The Icelandic video game developer 1939 Games received 250 million kr. ($2 million) in revenue last year from their main product, the PC game KARDS. Moreover, the company managed to deliver a net profit from its operations last year, which was the first year in which it generated any revenue.
Ívar Kristjánsson, the company’s CEO, said in an interview with Viðskiptablaðið that the company aims to expand its operations over the next couple of months, along with the release of KARDS for mobile phones. According to him, access to the mobile phone market could possibly lead to a tenfold increase in operations.
KARDS is now available on the online gaming platform Steam. The game has around 65 thousand monthly users, but over 600 thousand people have downloaded it. As Northstack has previously reported, the company had raised a total of $5 million from investors for the development of KARDS by the time it was released in April 2020.
The release of the mobile version of KARDS however seems to be behind schedule, as the company announced last year that such a product was expected to be released in the fall of 2020.
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